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Running a business is hard. There is a substantial amount of work to be done, leaving you no room to cultivate a winning work culture for your organization. That’s where I come in. I want to help you establish a culture that is not only beneficial for your employees, but will increase your profits by driving efficiency. Your company’s culture will go from non-existent to one that’s thriving.
Let’s get started today.



Are you ready to stop second guessing what a positive work environment looks like and equip your team to produce lasting results? Through Founder and Executive Coaching, I will help you focus on Collaboration Strategy. Through this strategy, you will increase levels of trust among your team, improve performance and create a more engaged work culture. 

If you would like me to work with you and your team, I offer a 3 - 6 month Founder's Coaching package, which includes:

- Founder and Executive Coaching

- Manager Insight and Coaching

- Team Strengths Coaching

- Individual Strengths Coaching 

Smiling Woman
Man Working

Manager Insight and Coaching

Managers are instrumental in sustaining a thriving work culture, because of their proximity to the team and the day-to-day activities. Manager Insights and Coaching will equip your managers with the tools they need to inspire change and develop a thriving team. I will help your managers focus on Self-Awareness and create strategies to motivate, influence, and develop their team.


Team Strengths Coaching

Every successful team requires ongoing professional development that helps them hone their skill set and learn more about themselves and their team members. If your team is in need of a refresh, Team Strengths Coaching will focus on Team Awareness and create ways of working that allows each team member to operate from their strengths and contribute to the needs of the entire team.

Online Class

Individual Strengths Coaching

Every successful team requires all members to operate from their strengths and develop powerful partnerships to offset their weaknesses. Through Individual Strengths Coaching, you will learn how your unique thoughts and talents can help you to maximize your overall performance and success. This session will help you understand yourself better and teach you how to pursue your job with intention.



There is a 1 and 33 million chance that two people will share the same Top 5 CliftonStrenghts Themes! During this session, we will focus on YOUR unique strengths that set you apart from everyone else. We will walk through the results of your CliftonStrengths Assessment and focus our time discussing how you can maximize your Top 5 strengths to reach your goals.

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